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<img class="alignnone" title="Nike Air Max 90 Mens in Medium taupe Black Titanium yellow" src="http://nike-online.org/images/nikeairmax/0450694.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="469" />that the whole Triad Society is to blame. We only want to pay him our respects.   It's the least we can do, as fellow-soldiers in the same cause.'    'Father Obscurus is right, Maple,' said Su Gang. nike air max trainers  'We mustn't refuse a courtesy.'    So Trinket, Father Obscurus, Brother Fan, Brother Feng, Dr Yao, old Ma,  and   the rest went into the other hall, knelt down in front of the coffin and  made   their kowtows,    Young Bo observed that Trinket was muttering to himself all the time he  was   on his knees. When, after the third kowtow, he got up, he asked him   suspiciously what he had been saying.    'I was praying,' said Trinket. 'I was talking to your brother's soul in  Heaven.     What business is it of yours what I was saying?' 'Praying?' said Young  Bo. 'It   didn't sound like it.' 'I told your brother not to worry,' said Trinket.  'I said,   "Your younger brother has beaten me black and blue all over, I'm probably  not   going to live much longer. Just a day or two more," I told him, "and I'll  be   keeping you company up there."' 'When did I ever beat you?' said Young  Bo.   Trinket rolled back his left sleeve and showed a bruised and swollen  wrist on   which the finger-marks of the hand which had gripped it were still  distinctly   visible. 'What's this then?' he said.    Su Gang glanced at Young Bo. His face assumed a reproachful expression  when   the latter made no attempt to disown his handiwork.    'Mr Wei nike air max 90 ,' he said apologetically, 'this matter obviously  needs looking into. Do   you think we could discuss it at a later date?'    'I think I'm too badly hurt to get better,' said Trinket. 'At a later  date I probably   shan't be alive to discuss it.'    He was talking in a normal tone of voice and didn't sound at all like a  person   who had been seriously injured. Su Gang concluded that he was merely  playing   with them and asked himself, not for the first time, how on earth the  Triads   had come to choose this juvenile delinquent for their Master.    'I'm sure you'll outlive us all, Mr Wei,' he said. 'You have at least  forty or fifty   years ahead of you.'<a style="color: black; text-decoration: none;" href="http://nike-online.org/" target="_blank"><span style="color: #000000;"><strong> Nike Online  USA </strong></span></a> 'I've got a terrible pain in my belly and my insides feel as if    they've been turned inside out and twisted upside down,' said Trinket. 'I  feel at   the moment that I'll be lucky if I last till tomorrow. Father Obscurus,  Brother   Feng, if I should die, don't try to avenge my death on Mr Bo. It's our  cause nike air max shop that   matters. I don't want you to do anything that might spoil things between  Duke   Mu's lot and the Triads.'    Su Gang frowned and hurriedly conducted Trinket and his party to the  door.   When they were outside, Father Obscurus thanked Ma Boren and the other   professionals for their trouble and then the two parties, Triads and  professional   witnesses, went their separate ways.    Three Corpses and a Kidnapping    When they got back to the apothecary's shop, the Triads could see, as  soon as   they opened the door, that something was wrong. The counter had collapsed    under some heavy weight and <a style="color: black; text-decoration: none;" href="http://nike-online.org/" target="_blank"><span style="color: #000000;"><strong>Nike USA  Store </strong></span></a>the hundreds of little drawers in which the drugs     were stored had been emptied and lay amidst their scattered contents in   promiscuous confusion on the floor. They rushed inside the shop shouting,  but   there was no reply from the fat apothecary or his two assistants. They  found all   three of them lying dead in the inner room.    The shop was in a quiet, out-of-the-way area, otherwise there would have  been   a crowd of onlookers by now; but just in case someone should arrive and  try to   get in, Father Obscurus told Brother Gao to bar the door on the inside  before   they went to look for Brother Xu. That done, they took up the cover of  the   secret stairway and rushed to the underground chamber, shouting as they  went.   But Brother Xu had disappeared without trace.    'Bastards!' Brother Fan shouted furiously. 'What bastards those Mu  turtles are!   Back we go, then! And this time it's a fight to the finish.'    'No, just a minute,' said Father Obscurus. 'Let's think. If they'd been  going to   kill him, they'd have done it here. The fact that they've kidnapped him  means   that they can't be intending to kill him—not just yet, anyway.'    He turned to another of the Triads: 'Hurry, quick as you can to the  Agency. Tell   Wang Wutong and the other three that we need them again as witnesses.'    The four professionals arrived in due course and inspected the shambles.  They   were appalled by what they saw and very angry.    All agreed that they should go back to Young Bo's place without delay and    insist that Brother Xu be delivered up to them.    And so the Triads and their four witnesses set out once more for Willow  Lane.    This time it was Young Bo himself who opened the door to them.    'So what do you want now?' he asked them coldly. 'Why ask, when you know   the answer?' Brother Fan bellowed back at him. This job you've just done  is   disgusting. I didn't think you people could stoop so low.'    'Stoop so low?' said Young Bo angrily. 'I don't understand you. What job  are   you talking about?'    'Where's Brother Xu?' said Brother Fan. 'Hand him over to us at once!   Sneaking over to our apothecary's and killing our employees when you knew    we wouldn't be there: I call that really low.'    'Don't talk nonsense!' Young Bo shouted back at him. 'I don't know  anything     about your apothecary or your employees.'    Su Gang appeared now, drawn by the noise of the shouting. 'Ah, you're  back   again, gentlemen. What can we do for you?' he asked the Triads.    'Mr Su,' said Tiger Face Lei gravely, 'I suppose it's for some other  judgement to   decide, but I must say I think in this case you people really are in the  wrong. I   can understand your wanting revenge, but to wantonly kill innocent  people,   and in the Capital too—the consequences are liable to be very serious.'  Su Gang   turned to Young Bo in perplexity. 'What is he talking about?'    'Don't ask me,' said Young Bo. 'I haven't the faintest idea.' 'Mr Su, Mr  Bo,' said   Wang Wutong, 'three employees have been killed at the apothecary's shop   which is the Triad Society's safe house in the Capital and Xu Tianchuan,  who   was hidden there, has been kidnapped. Let's nike air max 2003 for the  moment forget about the   rights and wrongs of this business: they can be discussed later. All I'm  asking   now, as a personal favour to me and my three colleagues, is that you  should   release Mr Xu and hand him back to the Triads.'    'Are you saying that Xu Tianchuan has been kidnapped?' Su G cheap nike  air max 90 ang asked in   some surprise. 'How extraordinary! I can see that you would naturally  suspect   us first, but don't forget that we were here all the time with you when  this is   supposed to have happened. We could hardly be in two places at once.'    'No, but there was nothing to stop you sending someone to do the job for  you,'   said Brother Fan.    'I can't help it if you don't believe me,' said Su Gang. 'You are welcome  to come   inside and search the house if you like.'    'Magic Hand has always been a man of his word,' said Young Bo loudly. 'If  he   says the old man isn't here, that ought to be enough for you. For my  part, I   don't mind telling you that if the old villain ever did fall into my  hands, I'd chop   him in half immediately. I wouldn't waste good food on keeping him a   prisoner.'    There must be something else behind this,' said Su Gang musingly. 'I'd  like to   suggest that you allow us to come over to this safe house of yours and  have a   look. Do you think we could?'    The Triads were now in something of a quandary. It looked as if Su Gang  and   Young Bo were innocent of the kidnapping, but they weren't quite sure.    'Look, Mr Su, ' said Brother Fan, 'I think we'd feel happier if you could  give us     some sort of definite assurance that Xu Tianchuan is not in your hands.'    'He's not,' said Su Gang. 'I give you my solemn word for it. And I give  you my   word that Mr Bo has nothing to do with this   kidnapping either.'   Su Gang was a man of honour whose honesty was a byword among    professional fighting men. If he gave his word that Brother Xu was not  being    held at Willow Lane, the Triads felt pretty confident that he was not  there.   'In that case,' said Father Obscurus, 'please do come to our place and  have a   look.' He turned to Trinket. That's all right,    Master, isn't it?'    'Why ask me?' thought Trinket. 'You've already invited them.' 'If you say  so,   Father Obscurus,' he said. 'Anyway, three of   our people have been killed so while they're about it they'll be able   to make a few kowtows to them to show us that they're sorry. It's   only right they should.'   Su Gang and Young Bo stared at him indignantly. The   unspeakable brat was as good as accusing them of the three   murders.   So they all trooped back to the apothecary's, accompanied this time by  the two    from Willow Lane, who made a careful inspection of the corpses. They  could   see that the bodies of all three, the fat apothecary and his two  assistants, had   been brutally assaulted, their ribs broken, and their chests stoved in  towards   the spine. It    was the work of cheap nike air max 90 crude assassins, not of anyone  properly trained in the Martial    Arts.   'We must definitely get to the bottom of nike air max 90 this, ' said  Young Bo. 'It's not right that   we should be blamed for it.'     'Never mind who is to blame, ' said Su Gang. 'No doubt the truth will  emerge      eventually but it will take some time. The important thing now is that Xu    Tianchuan is in enemy hands. We must find a way of rescuing him as soon  as   possible.'    They combed through the shop from front to back without finding anything,    then went down below into the secret chamber, but still they could find  no clue.   As it was getting late, the two from Willow Lane and the four  professionals   began their leave-taking, arranging before they went each to ca<a style="color: black; text-decoration: none;" href="http://nike-online.org/" target="_blank"><span style="color: #000000;"><strong> Buy Nike USA </strong></span></a>rry out   investigations in different parts of the city.    Brother Fan asked Su Gang and Young Bo if they had seen all they wanted  to   see.    'Make sure you have, ' he said. 'As there's no one living nearby, we'll  be setting   fire to this place some time ro nike air max 1 und about midnight to get  rid of the bodies. We   don't want the authorities nosing in on this.'    As soon as Su Gang and Young Bo had gone, a long discussion began among   the Triads about what had happened. All agreed that Brother Xu's  kidnapping   was almost certainly the work of the Mu faction, otherwise his  disappearance at   precisely the time when the shop was ransacked and the apothecary and his    assistants killed made no sort of sense. The most that could be said in  Su Gang   and Young Bo's defence was that it could have been done by other members  of   the Mu clan without their connivance. Having dealt with that question,  they   began discussing the means they would employ to burn down the shop. Here   was a matter to engage Trinket's excited attention; but Father Obscurus   warned him against taking part.    'It's getting late, Master, ' he said. 'You'd better be getting back to  the Palace.   There's not much to it really, burning a shop down. We ought to be able  to   manage it all right ourselves without your supervision.'    Trinket laughed.    'Come on, Father Obscurus, you don't have to pretend with me. I've only  got   this tamardy Master's job because I was made to; I'm not an experienced   fighter like the rest of you. The only reason I wanted to stay was to  join in the   fun.'    Up to now the Triads' attitude to Trinket had superficially been polite  and   courteous, but because of his extreme youth and the fact that he had let  them   down so badly in the Willow Lane encounter, they were secretly  contemptuous   of him. In contrast, the boyish frankness of what he had just said struck  them   as strangely touching; and though they felt no more respect for their  little     Master now than they had done previously, they began to look on him with  a   new-found warmth.   nike air max plus   'We shan't set fire to this place until well after midnight, ' said  Father Obscurus   smiling, 'and even a nike air max womens fter that we shall have to hang  around a long time to make   sure it doesn't spread. It might be a bit awkward if you were to spend  the whole   night outside the Palace.'    Trinket knew he was right. The Palace gates were closed at nightfall and  after   that no one could get in or out. He was the Emperor's favourite and for  that   very reason conspicuous, and spending the night outside without  permission   was an offence carrying the direst penalties. He yielded with a sigh.    'What a pity! I'd so like to have been the one to start the fire.'    Brot
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