群组 - 业余赛事
第三届丝绸之路中国西安“禧福祥6年西凤杯”国际乒乓球公开赛,将于2017年9月9日至10日在西安城市运动公园体育馆举行,为保证比赛顺利进行,现将有关事宜补充通知如下: 一、参赛资格: 1、境内运动员于2013年1月1日后仍在“全国运动员注册系统”乒乓球项目注册过的各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市运动队运动员不得参加比赛;境外运动队队员资格由大会组委会认定。 2、境内以各省份(区、市)或有关单位为报名单位参赛,并持所属单位体育局或乒协加盖公章的相关证明报名参赛。(报名时先发电子表格,纸质版资料请报到时提交至会务组宋会处) 3、如参赛人员未办理保险或报到时不能提供保险的相关材料,须提前下载本次比赛《安全责任书》签订并于报到时上交承办单位,或者现场与承办单位签订《安全责任书》方可参赛。(《安全责任书》详情见中国乒协官网第三届丝绸之路中国西安国际乒乓球公开赛补充通知) 4、本次比赛按照《第三届丝绸之路中国西安“禧福祥6年西凤”杯国际乒乓球公开赛竞赛规程》执行。 二、报名方法 (一)邮箱报名: 凡报名参加本次比赛的各参赛队请于2017年8月29日17时前将电子报名表报送至西安市乒乓球运动协会。(报名表见中国乒协官网第三届丝绸之路中国西安国际乒乓球公开赛补充通知) (二)联系人:宋会 邮箱: [email protected] 电话:13309222113(手机、微信) (三)参赛费用: 竞赛服务费:600元(人民币)/队(境外代表队100美元/队) (四)交费方法:提前缴费 (1)支付宝:[email protected] (2)微信:13309222113 (3)银行卡:6214 8302 9039 2587(宋会 招商银行西安解放路支行) 三、联席会议时间 定于2017年9月8日16时在长庆宾馆二楼会议室召开领队、教练员联席会议,请各参赛队按时参加。 四、报到相关事宜 (一) 报到时间:各队请于2017年9月8日9:00-16:00报到。 (二)离会时间:各队请于2017年9月11日12时前办理退房离会手续。 (三)报到地点:长庆宾馆(西安市经济开发区未央路151号) 宾馆联系人:许媛媛 电话:029-86594000、15332354881 组委会联系人:冯继枝 电话:13700299987 (四)其他事项 1、国内各参赛队按赛会指定宾馆自行报到,境外参赛队提前告知组委会联系人报到时间、航班、车次等信息以便接站。 2、超编人员一切食宿等费用自理; 3、提前报到或延迟离开大会的人员,按超编人员费用收取; 4、组委会统一安排两人标准间,所有参赛队需服从组委会安排,若参赛队坚持单人入住或是有特殊要求的,需自行缴纳房差费用(所有参赛人员及随行人员的具体名单人数,最迟在8月29日下午16:00之前告知组委会,便于组委会提前安排); 5、各参赛队若有饮食和特殊习俗务必在8月29日下午16:00之前告知组委会,以便提前安排各队。 大会组委会 Further Notice of the Third Silk Road China Xi’an “6 Year West Phoenix” International Table Tennis Open Competition
The Third Silk Road China Xi’an “6 Year West Phoenix” international table tennis open competition will be held during September 9th to 10th, 2017 in the stadium at Chengshi Yundong Park, Xi’an. To make sure everything goes well, more relevant notices are given as follows:
1. Domestic players that are still registered in the “National Athletes Registration System” after Jan 1st, 2013 are forbidden to join the competition. The eligibility for international teams will be decided by the competition organizers.
2. Chinese teams representing cities or organizati** must have proof of authorization from the relevant city sports bureau or table tennis association. (Please send the e-form when you apply and later you can hand in the form to Song Hui when sign up.)
3. If the player does not have insurance or failed to show any material related to insurance, then he or she must download and sign a "safety resp**ibility statement" with the organizer when signing up.
4. We will follow the rules and regulati** for the Third Silk Road China Xi’an “6 Year West Phoenix” international table tennis open competition.
二、How to apply
(一) Apply via email:
Players can send the application e-form to Xi’an Table Tennis Association before 17:00 August 29th, 2017.
(二) Contact: Song Hui
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 13309222113 (phone&wechat)
(三) Fees
The game fee is 600 RMB for each Chinese team, or 100 US dollars for each foreign team.
(四) How to pay: (please pay in advance)
(1)Alipay:[email protected]
(3)Bank Account:6214 8302 9039 2587(宋会 招商银行西安解放路支行)
三、Joint meeting time:
At 16:00 on September 8th, 2017 we will have the joint meeting at the second floor Meeting room in Changqing Hotel, all the team leaders, coaches should be there on time.
四、Information of sign up
(一) When to sign up:Participants should sign up during 9:00am to 16:00pm on September 8th, 2017.
(二) When to depart: Participants should check out before 12:00 on September 11th, 2017.
(三) Where to sign up: Changqing Hotel (No.151, Weiyang road, economic development district, Xi’an)
Contact hotel: Xu Yuanyuan Tel: 029-86594000、15332354881
Contact committee: Feng Jizhi Tel: 13700299987
(四) Others
1. For domestic players need to be at the hotel to sign up, for foreign teams should inform the committee the time, flight and train number for picking up.
2. Over staffs should be resp**ible for their own accommodation.
3. For those who sign up early or depart late will be charged as over staffs.
4.The committee will arrange standard double room and all the teams should follow the committee. If any team request for a single room or other special services, should pay the extra money correspondingly. (All the name lists should be given to the committee before 16:00 August 29th .)
5. Any participants who have special request on diet or custom things, please inform the committee before 16:00 August 29th.)
The Committee
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