群组 - 赛事新闻
张继科获奖感言英文原始版 回想四年前,继科还没有拿过世界冠军的时候,他就表现出和其他队员不一样的地方,决心学习英文;两年前喊出要用英文对话C罗,今天,继科的英文秀可谓惊艳,新一代的运动明星国际范儿!小编记录的,若有出入,错误都是小编的,和继科无关
下面是@张继科 的获奖感言 (by 张继科, recorded by 开球网)
It's my great honor to get the Male Star Athlete of this year in the first awarding cermony held by ITTF, thanks. It's not easy to win this award , it's sport recognition from everyone, which should make it happen .
This award , this honor , does not belong simply to myself , it belongs to the people who love tabletennis. en I hope more people participate tabletennis in the future , I believe together with you for tabletennis , for sport you love , so I will achieve hgher .
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